April Term – 4/6/20 – 5/10/20
Attention CIV students. Schedules will be posted early next week. All classes being offered for the April term will be academic (general education/management) in nature and delivered remotely.
Our goal is to create a schedule for you to be delivered remotely through Teams during your regular day part. We will catch up on lab classes as soon as we are able to be back in the kitchens.
We are making every effort to ensure that you can continue your course of study without interruption or delay of your graduation. Whenever possible you will be scheduled in your normal days and times.
If you have any concerns or issues with your classes or remote learning please contact your program director.
Brandon Morrison – Bmorrison@chefva.com
Charles Delargy – Cdelargy@chefva.com
Dave Miller – Damiller@chefva.com.